Friday, September 27, 2019

A Pregnant Woman's Right Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Pregnant Woman's Right - Case Study Example This can include to punish those pregnant women who are indulge in authorized behaviours like doing smoking and drinking that can cause harm to the foetus (Russell, 2006). Under this law, without the consent of the pregnant women, few of the hospitals in American states are regularly testing their urine for drugs. This act of the hospitals has put the mothers in constant inconvenience as they complain that this violates the constitutional right to privacy. Therefore, if the hospitals do not stop this act, these women, because of their addiction, will stay away from their health care advisors. Thus, the fear of being in jail will put both the mother and their baby in a great danger. Moreover, the thought of punishment will make the women lose their trust in healthcare providers; especially since after the doctors have moved their focus to ‘punish’ the addicted mother instead of doing their treatment. As a heath care administrator I have seen that because of the fear of pe rsecution, some of addict mothers look for late-term abortions instead of delivering a baby with the signs of drug abuse (Cline, 2011). Through this, mothers can expose their babies towards the potential risk of getting affected. Another way by which the mothers can expose their babies to risk is multiple births. In this process, mothers use fertility drugs to have babies.

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