Friday, November 8, 2019

Education, A Bet Worth Taking essays

Education, A Bet Worth Taking essays Free college tuition, up-to-date technologies in every classroom, and reduced class sizes. Do not these ideas sound good? All of this and much more can be possible with a state lottery for North Carolina. State lotteries produce additional funds for the state that can be allocated towards educational purposes in hopes of helping to raise a states rankings at the national level. Creating a state lottery for North Carolina would generate additional funds for educational purposes, help to boost the yearly budget, and provide scholarship opportunities for residents. North Carolina is currently one of the twelve states that remain without a lottery and the only one on the east coast (Lottery Supporters Wonder..., 1). It is a shame to think that while our neighboring states are prospering from the luxuries of a lottery, North Carolinians are being left without. Anti-lottery advocates argue that the lottery preys on the poor and uneducated... (McLaughin, 2). However, a study by Money magazine discovered that low income families do not buy a greater portion of lottery tickets, but instead found that ticket purchases are spread evenly between all economic levels (Study Offers New Insights..., 1). Grass Roots organizer, Gary Minter makes a good point when he says, Taxes are mandatory...With a lottery its totally your decision (Lure of the Lottery:, 1), reiterating the fact that just because your state has a lottery you dont have to partake in it by buying a ticket. One of the many hopes that North Carolina teachers have is that with a lottery many crowded schools will be reduced in class sizes. When asked about the lottery, Joyce Elliot, of the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), replied, It would provide the money in order to hire additional teachers to reduce the sizes of the classes. As research shows children excel greater wit...

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