Saturday, December 28, 2019

Book Review on Custer Died for Your Sins Essay - 1288 Words

â€Å"Indians are like the weather.† With his opening words Vine Deloria Jr. sets up the basis for the rest of his witty yet substantial manifesto, Custer Died for Your Sins. The book, which describes the struggles and misrepresentation of the American Indian people in 1960s American culture, is written in a style that changes from ironic and humorous satire to serious notions, then back again. Through energetic dialogue that engages the reader in a clever and articulate presentation, Deloria advocates the dismissal of old stereotypes and shows a viewpoint that allows the general public to gain a deeper understanding of what it is to be an American Indian. In the first chapter of his manifesto, called Indians Today: The Real and Unreal,†¦show more content†¦His writing outlines how the people that have misconceived notions of helping their fellow â€Å"man† through religion or study have the very same problem of lack of understanding. He writes very simply that, â€Å"What we need is a cultural leave-us-alone agreement in spirit and fact.† The precision of this statement is another attribute about Deloria’s writing that makes is so compelling. Whether you agree with the statement or not, it very clearly defines his view on the subject. He believes that the very idea of trying to solve the problem is the problem to begin with. Native Americans do not need to absorb into what white America thinks of as modern society, they need to be left alone. He calls for â€Å"fewer and fewer experts on Indians.† The first chapter serves as a basis for the rest. Chapter two, like the rest, take up individual examples of ideas expressed in the beginning of the manifesto. Titled, Laws and Treaties, it deals with the disregard of many agreements between the United States government and native peoples. Deloria does not simply outline the problem but uses unique examples to stress his points. He calls out the hypocrisies of the government by comparing their philosophies with their actions. â€Å"The message was that America had to keep her commitments is southeast Asia or the world would lose faith in the

Friday, December 20, 2019

Teenager Is A Teenager, An Exciting, Scary, Horrible, And...

From the time that an individual is born into this world, they are continually faced with growth and change. Upon the reaching of adolescence, an individual will face many more changes that affect feelings, emotions and personality. Males and females face the same milestones with different hormones, so they are affected and changed by them differently. What It Feels Like To Be a Teenager Being a teenager is an exciting, scary, and overall stressful time in one’s life. Many changes occur physically and mentally and one can experience a new range of different emotions. A teen is also influenced by surrounding environmental factors then they used to be. Teenagers dream of doing cool things away from their parents and gaining a whole new level of independence that all begins when they turn about 13. That is actually a naà ¯ve view of what becoming a teenager is really all about. When an adolescent enters their teenage years, puberty begins. The body goes through major growth spurts that affect the body and mind. Boys will shoot up in height and develop a deeper-toned voice leaving them to feel like a man. A girl’s body will fill out as they develop breasts, pubic hair, and begin their menstrual cycle. The increase of hormones comes into play and mentally alters a girl s perception and attitude. Also, their voice will change too, but it will not be as drama tic as it is for a young boy. This stage of adolescence is very awkward and embarrassing for most kids because they aren t

Thursday, December 12, 2019

An Introduction to Social Psychology

Questions: 1. Explain the difference between a conscious and an unconscious assumption, using two examples of each. 2.How do hidden assumptions affect reasoning and arguments? Explain at least two effects of hidden assumptions. 3. Explain how several stereotypes contain assumptions. Give examples.4. Define the word opinion and explain at least three different ways this word can be used to convey three different meanings. 5. What is a fixed opinion? Give some examples of your own fixed opinions or fixed opinions belonging to other people you know. How can a fixed opinion keep a person from thinking? Answers: 1. The difference between a conscious and and an unconscious assumption is as follows: The key tool of a creative thinker involves making conscious assumptions. Isaac Newton has rightly said that no discovery can be made without a bold presumption. On the other hand, an unconscious assumption involves mental as well as emotional patterns that are laid down in the upbringing, from the ages of two to six. Example of a conscious assumption- The individuals can assume that the values of property will continue to increase and therefore they can invest in the real estate. The example of unconscious assumption includes poor arguments ad rapid generalizations (Parker Shotter, 2015). 2. Hidden assumptions affect reasoning and arguments in a way that it assists to identify the neglected or hidden factors in underlying explanations of pragmatic phenomena. In our daily life, the arguments are are generally encountered by us are frequently the arguments, where significant assumptions are not explicitly. It is an essential part of critical thinking that the individuals should be able of identifying such implicit or hidden assumptions. The two effects of hidden assumptions include the inferiority and have contradictions. They can be utilized for sizing the problems and speculates regarding the opportunities. They are less justified in comparison to the apparent assumptions (Smith et al., 2014). 3. Several stereotypes contain assumptions in a way that individuals make regarding the characteristics of every member of a group in terms of an image concerning what individuals in that group are like. A study has revealed that Americans are commonly considered as generous, friendly, and broadminded but also egotistical, intolerant, and dominant. Conversely, they are expected to be vigilant and shrewd, but reserved. Evidently, not all Americans are generous and friendly; and not all Asians possess a reserved behavior. The common examples of stereotypes include racial remarks, gender profiling and sexual stereotype (McDougall, 2015). 4. The word opinion refers to a judgment or view formed regarding something, which is not essentially based on knowledge or fact. This word can be explained in three different ways that can be used to convey three different meanings as follows: In psychology, group opinion is the collection of opinions from a group of subjects like committee, legislature or jury. A Judicial opinion encompasses the opinion of a judge that accompanies and elucidates a ruling in a disagreement before the court. An editorial opinion is the assessment of a subject matter by a newspaper as communicated on its editorial column (Simpson Kenrick, 2013). 5. A fixed opinion is an opinion, which cannot be altered as the individuals stop the process of thinking. I have a fixed opinion with respect to the fact that there racism should not be tolerated by the individuals as it leads to inequalities in the society and creates physical and mental disturbances. A fixed opinion keeps a person from thinking by excluding any input to the opposing opinions. The person makes a mind that whatever happens he/she will not change their opinion because their mind reaches to a point in which there is no space for any sort of alterations in terms of changing an opinion (McDougall, 2015). References McDougall, W. (2015).An introduction to social psychology. Psychology Press. Parker, I., Shotter, J. (Eds.). (2015).Deconstructing social psychology(Vol. 21). Psychology Press. Simpson, J. A., Kenrick, D. (2013).Evolutionary social psychology. Psychology Press. Smith, E. R., Mackie, D. M., Claypool, H. M. (2014).Social psychology. Psychology Press.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Cindy Lew Once Said... free essay sample

Cindy Lew once said â€Å"remember that the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under the tree, but in the heart of a true friend.† Having a friend is similar to receiving a present from this life. Everyone receives one lifetime with a time limit. A friend is one who will go through my life even though I’m dealing with hardship or success. When I pick a person to be my friend, the only thing I care about is his/her personality. All of my friends are really reliable to me and until now, I still believe that I have made a right choice. If you find a friend who has a great sense of humor, when you in struggle in life, you will find out that all you need is a person who you will trust and will listen to you. A true friend is the one who will sit next to you when you get tired and want to rest in silence. We will write a custom essay sample on Cindy Lew Once Said or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Like everyone else, I had close friends at school and we studied together all school year. We loved to go to school together and study as a group. Then one summer, my family and I moved to the U.S. actually, at that time I was too young to care about leaving my friends and all of the beautiful memories. When I first I came here, I missed them so dearly that all I wanted was time to go back there for just one hour , only one hour so that I could stay with them. But when I couldn’t change anything in my life, I needed to change my attitude. Three years passed with my hard work at school. Since I needed to learn to handle a new life in the U.S., I became stronger. But I started losing my fun time and instead of hanging out with my friends, I studied and practiced English. Again, the summer came with joy, to hear my dad announce that I could go back to Vietnam . My friends hadnt changed much over a long time, as I met them again after three years. I told them about my life in the U.S. Then we told each other about our lives. One thing that surprised me a lot was that each of them still remembered exactly what we used to do, and especially our secret, the one only four of us knew. Coming back home, I found myself wanting to play hide – and – seek and eat breakfast with my friends. True friends will always be my true friends even though time had passed and there were so many things that I forgot to do with them. These three friends always will be right there waiting for me to come back and watch over me by their heart. Tears came out of our eyes on the day I left. As the airplane was flying, my heart was empty, as if our memories and this happy time would go as my foot stepped into the airport. After coming back to the U.S I realized one thing. It is a miracle that I found these three best friends. Sometimes, distance can not separate true friendship. In your lifetime, people will walk by you, but someone will stop at your heart and they may stay there to warm your heart. like winter in Alaska, and you will still feel warm because you are not alone. But if one d ay these friends leave you, and you have an empty heart, you will still feel warm because there will be a footprint on your heart. As a memory that will stay with you for the rest of your life. We will never say â€Å"good – bye† to each other because those beautiful memories are not in our head, but they live in our heart. Meeting a friend is a destiny. isn’t it?(Delete) Don’t let your chance run away, time wi ll let you see what a true friend is