Friday, December 20, 2019

Teenager Is A Teenager, An Exciting, Scary, Horrible, And...

From the time that an individual is born into this world, they are continually faced with growth and change. Upon the reaching of adolescence, an individual will face many more changes that affect feelings, emotions and personality. Males and females face the same milestones with different hormones, so they are affected and changed by them differently. What It Feels Like To Be a Teenager Being a teenager is an exciting, scary, and overall stressful time in one’s life. Many changes occur physically and mentally and one can experience a new range of different emotions. A teen is also influenced by surrounding environmental factors then they used to be. Teenagers dream of doing cool things away from their parents and gaining a whole new level of independence that all begins when they turn about 13. That is actually a naà ¯ve view of what becoming a teenager is really all about. When an adolescent enters their teenage years, puberty begins. The body goes through major growth spurts that affect the body and mind. Boys will shoot up in height and develop a deeper-toned voice leaving them to feel like a man. A girl’s body will fill out as they develop breasts, pubic hair, and begin their menstrual cycle. The increase of hormones comes into play and mentally alters a girl s perception and attitude. Also, their voice will change too, but it will not be as drama tic as it is for a young boy. This stage of adolescence is very awkward and embarrassing for most kids because they aren t

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